Online Payments
UNC Asheville has online options for electronic check (ACH), Credit Card, and International Wire Transfer payments via TransferMate. Students may make payments online using ePayment function within OnePort. Please visit this website for directions and more information about ePayment. Students may also allow parents and other individuals to access ePayment by setting them up as an Authorized User. Authorized Users will need to login by visiting the Authorized Users Login Page.
Additional Payment Options for Student Account Balances
Cash, check and money order payments may be made in person at the Student Accounts Office located in room 003 of Ramsey Library (in the Academic Success Center).
Checks and money order payments should be made payable to the University of North Carolina at Asheville and it should include the student’s name and ID number.
Checks and money orders may also be mailed to the following address:
University of North Carolina at Asheville
Student Accounts Office, CPO 1565
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
Payment deferments will be open July 2025, for the fall semester. At that time, if you would like to request a deferment, you may complete the Fall 2025 Payment Deferment Request Application. You will need to be logged into your UNCA email account in order to complete the form.